Finland Visa Application Process| All Important Udpates


Welcome back to my blog! In 2022 and 2023, Finland needed 400,000 workers from various job sectors. Now, in 2024, they require 100,000 workers due to the influx of tourists, as Finland is a beautiful country. From an economic perspective, salaries in Finland are attractive.

Job Opportunities:

When tourists visit, there’s a demand for various roles in the restaurant and hospitality sectors, including waiters, waitresses, chefs, cooks, and hotel management staff. They are looking to hire 100,000 workers. The salary is also appealing; there’s a bonus of 250 Euros per month, which translates to approximately 80,000-85,000 Pakistani Rupees.

Salary Details:

The best-paying jobs can offer around 1,500 Euros per month. The application process is simple and free of charge, with no age limit mentioned. A strong CV and cover letter significantly enhance your chances of securing a job and visa in Finland.

Application Process:

I have created a Europass CV and cover letter, which you can use for your application. Check the link in the description for the website where you can apply.

  1. Select the language option (English) on the website.
  2. You will see a form to fill out with your details: first name, last name, phone number, and email address.
  3. Specify whether you want to work part-time or full-time.
  4. Fill in the details about the work you wish to do in the restaurant (management, assistant, chef, etc.).

Selecting Job Roles:

If you are interested in working as a waiter, indicate that in your application. You can choose to work at any restaurant that is hiring. When specifying your salary, write 1,400 or 1,500 Euros as your expectation.

Duration of Work:

You may apply for short-term work for a maximum of one year. Ensure your CV is complete, and attach your cover letter when submitting your application.


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